5 Tips on How You Can Attract Those Looking for a House to Rent in Hobart

Just as it is difficult for prospective tenants to find a suitable home to rent, it is difficult for property owners to find a compliant and cooperative tenant. If you have rented your property in the past, then you must be no stranger to this game. Landing the best deal is not easy. In a competitive property rental market, how should you impress a client looking for a house to rent in Hobart, when there are so many others ready to offer better features for a lesser fee, and a better term?

houses for rent near me

Attracting good clients is not something that happens as a stroke of luck. It takes considerable effort and preparation. Property owners, managers and landlords will benefit from the following pointers:

Punctuality Matters

Punctuality is not just a virtue to exercise in school. If you wish to impress the client and convert them into a prospective tenant, then you must arrive early at the open house. This also gives you sufficient time to ensure everything in the property is in order, and everything is clean.

Be Cordial

Being courteous and welcoming goes a long way, in any arena. Clients usually search ‘houses to rent near me’ and keep a list of rental options handy. So, if you do not behave politely with them, they might move on to the next listing.

Know Your Role

Property owners and landlords cannot merely provide the keys to the client and expect them to see the property themselves. Customers, who are looking for a house to rent in Hobart, expect the landlord or property manager to guide them on tour around the house. So, be sure to proactively guide the clients around the premises, highlight the fine-features of the establishment.


Clients hate it when you try to convince them or influence their decision; not everyone searches ‘houses to rent near me’ and signs an agreement; some do their due diligence and research before signing the fine-print.
So, share the details and give the client some space to discuss the pros and cons of signing the agreement with whoever is accompanying them.


Most clients don’t like to decide on the spot. So, the most effective way to sustain negotiations with them is by politely asking them to share their contact details along with their feedback. Pulling out the rental agreement papers at the end of a tour is not advisable. The customer may or may not wish to be a tenant; respect their decision and give them time to decide.

Bearing in mind these pointers can help you ensure that more people get to know what kind of a property manager/landlord they can have in you.


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